
Managing Mom and Dad’s Money

Managing Mom and Dad’s Money

My Dad retired in 2002 with a 403(b) and lifelong teacher’s pension. Unsure of his retirement savings, some fellow retired teachers recommended a financial advisor who “specialized in retired teachers”. So he converted the 403(b) to an IRA, transferred his and my Mom’s IRAs to the advisor, and trusted him to manage their money for…

Financial Independence Number: Definition and How to Customize

Financial Independence Number: Definition and How to Customize

The financial independence number is a benchmark to determine retirement preparedness. It’s also known as the FI number.  Financial independence is achieved by: building enough passive income to cover annual expenses, or amassing a lump sum of enough savings and investments to cover living expenses through withdrawals, or a combination of #1 and #2. The financial independence…

ProjectionLab Review: Powerful DIY Financial Planning (+ Video)

ProjectionLab Review: Powerful DIY Financial Planning (+ Video)

ProjectionLab is a powerful financial planning tool that empowers do-it-yourselfers to set and track financial goals and forecast how their wealth will change over a lifetime.   We can use it to experiment with various scenarios and assumptions to help us determine if we have enough to retire or achieve other financial milestones.  This retirement planning calculator is far…

The Pros and Cons of DIY Investing

The Pros and Cons of DIY Investing

I’ve been a self-directed investor for almost thirty years. Self-managing my investments has saved me tens of thousands in fees, though I’ve been susceptible to my own investment biases and mistakes. Overall, I believe the tradeoff favors do-it-yourself (DIY) investing.   This article explores the pros and cons of DIY investing compared to hiring a financial…

Fidelity Roth Conversion: Why, and Step-by-Step Instructions

Fidelity Roth Conversion: Why, and Step-by-Step Instructions

One of the advantages of reduced income due to leaving my full-time career is the opportunity to execute a Fidelity Roth conversion. Roth conversions allow investors to transfer money from a 401(k), traditional IRA, or other tax-deferred retirement account into a Roth IRA account.  Traditional 401(k)s and IRAs let us invest pre-tax dollars into retirement…

8 Reasons to Pursue Early Retirement

8 Reasons to Pursue Early Retirement

Early retirement is a loaded phrase that ignites internet skepticism.  We can partly blame the mainstream financial media for picking up stories about “early retirees” that run six and seven-figure businesses.  Inconsistent messaging among early retirement bloggers doesn’t help, and I suspect the phrase is tossed around liberally on YouTube and TikTok. The FIRE crowd…