
Throwing ICE on FIRE

Throwing ICE on FIRE

The mainstream financial media’s portrayal of early retirement has always felt disingenuous, leading with “this 30-something retired” or some variation of that hook, then later highlighting that the “early retiree” is working a new job (even though they don’t need to), running a business, or has an employed spouse providing income and health insurance. These…

Live to 100. Work to 100.

Live to 100. Work to 100.

Famed investor Charlie Munger and diplomat Henry Kissinger both died within a day of each other in November 2023. Each lived to 100 (Munger was 34 days short, but we’ll give it to him), and both put on suits and went to work until their final days. One wonders: Did their continued work, curiosity, and…

Step Off The Damn Treadmill

Step Off The Damn Treadmill

The financial firm UBS publishes a quarterly report called Investor Watch that analyzes investor behavior. One of these reports has remained on my mind since publication in 2015. The report is called When is enough… enough – Why the wealthy can’t get off the treadmill. The premise is that more than half (52%) of millionaires surveyed…

The Retire Before Dad Story

The Retire Before Dad Story

At age 27, I was broke, unemployed, and living at home with my parents. Not surprisingly, I was single too. Sounds depressing, right? Not so. I had recently returned from an epic 14-month backpacking trip to Asia and Latin America, spending just $10,000 on the entire journey, then completed a three-month, 8,000-mile road trip throughout the U.S and…