Author: Craig Stephens

Craig is a former IT professional who left his 19-year career to be a full-time finance writer. A DIY investor since 1995, he started Retire Before Dad in 2013 as a creative outlet to share his investment portfolios. Craig studied Finance at Michigan State University and lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and three children. Read more.
How Much Money is Enough?

How Much Money is Enough?

A few years ago, somebody asked how much money is enough for me to retire. I used a back of the napkin estimation based on the financial independence number and answered. This was 2015-ish. At the time, I thought the number would be more than enough to live comfortably for the rest of our lives,…

Retire Before Dead

Retire Before Dead

Someone on Facebook with a very dry sense of humor commented:  You misspelled dead. — Facebook Reader It took me a while — then, the epiphany. After seven years of blogging, I realized my blog name is one letter away from Retire Before Dead. And wow, far more people are probably striving for that goal…

Roofstock Review 2024: Build Wealth Through Real Estate

Roofstock Review 2024: Build Wealth Through Real Estate

This Roofstock review was updated on 01/01/2024. Roofstock is a real estate property marketplace specifically designed for investors. Real estate investors can search for, analyze, and purchase profitable single-family rentals (SFRs) from the convenience of a computer or phone.  Roofstock provides an end-to-end experience that enables investors who live in high cost of living areas…

Financial Independence Number: Definition and How to Customize

Financial Independence Number: Definition and How to Customize

The financial independence number is a benchmark to determine retirement preparedness. It’s also known as the FI number.  Financial independence is achieved by: building enough passive income to cover annual expenses, or amassing a lump sum of enough savings and investments to cover living expenses through withdrawals, or a combination of #1 and #2. The financial independence…

How Personal Finance Blogs Make Money

How Personal Finance Blogs Make Money

Are you curious about how blogs make money? Personal finance and investing is an excellent blog niche because the demand for financial advice is neverending.   It’s satisfying work, as bloggers can positively influence readers by helping them make smarter financial decisions. Writing insightful content can lead to earning money through multiple blog income streams aligned…

AcreTrader Review 2024: Farmland Investing for Income and Growth

AcreTrader Review 2024: Farmland Investing for Income and Growth

This AcreTrader review was updated on 01/01/2024. About 60% of American farms are owner-operated. That leaves about 40% of farmland that’s rented or leased to farmers by landowners.  The majority of farm landowners inherited the land and have either retired or have no interest in farming.  Since farmland is commonly passed down to younger generations and…